Center for Aging and Associated Diseases Represents North Africa in COST Action MITOEAGLE

The research group at the Center for Aging and Associated Diseases (CAAD) at Zewail City, led by Prof. Sameh Ali, Professor of Biophysics and the founder of the center, joined the Cost Action MITOEAGLE program which is one of the European Union Framework Program Horizon 2020, that makes them the only representative of North Africa and the Middle East in that program.

By joining the Cost Action MITOEAGLE program the CAAD can provide a training and collaborative hub for various COST International Partner Countries.

The COST MITOEAGLE program aims at providing the first standardized measures to link mitochondrial and physiome performance, such as heart rate, and body mass index, to understand the myriad of factors that play a role in mitochondrial physiology. The program framework represents an ideal instrument which allows bringing together many groups and experts in the diverse field of mitochondrial physiology to form a unique well-coordinated network of senior researchers and young investigators, to include well established stakeholders, and to establish a spirit of mentorship and collaboration in contrast to fierce competition which characterized early decades of bioenergetics.